Polices & Requirements


Entrance Requirements

The school does not discriminate based on race, sex, religion, ethnic origin or disability.

Core Strength Wichita requires potential student teachers:

  1. Be without injury before beginning the Pilates Teacher Training Program.

  2. All prospective student teachers must present current CPR certification to begin the Teacher program.

  3. Required student teacher liability insurance.

Your success in our training program is heavily contingent upon your experience with Pilates. In order to be a great instructor you need to be a great student. Applicants must demonstrate a level of proficiency in Pilates during the initial assessment and interview process. If you are new to Pilates you will be required to complete a minimum of 3 private Pilates sessions at Core Strength Wichita prior to your Teacher Training start date. If you are not local we can discuss your pre-training options.

Training manuals are provided for all courses. It is advised that those participating in our Teacher Teacher trainings also purchase the following:Return To Life by Joseph H. Pilates and Pilates Anatomy by Rael Isacowitz.

Attendance Requirements

Students are expected to arrive on time for scheduled class times or student teaching with proper materials. An overall attendance requirement of 100% is required to fulfill the 450 hours of Comprehensive Pilates Teacher training. Instructors may require withdrawal from the program if tardiness exceeds 90%.

Students who are unable to continue classes or student teaching for medical or severe personal problems will be required to take a leave of absence until they are able to return to class or student teacher. Proper documentation will be required to substantiate a student’s withdrawal.

Progress Policy

Students must maintain a minimum 80% on all exams. Each student will be allowed one opportunity to retake the exam at no cost. Those who do not pass the second time will be placed on probation for 30 days and given the opportunity to retake the exam for a third time at the cost of $75.00. During the probation period students must raise their grade point average to passing or higher. The student may be terminated if grades are not satisfactory at the end of the probation period. Termination will be at the school Director’s discretion. The Director has the final authority and shall notify the student of the final decision.

Grading System

· At the end of each Block, progress reports with grades averaged from exams and practicum will be issued to students throughout the program.

· A minimum of 80% is required for each exam. Re exams are available and schedule for the exam is at the discretion of the Director.

Conduct Policy

All students are expected to act maturely and are required to respect other students and faculty members. Possession of weapons, illegal drugs, and alcohol of any kind are not allowed at any time on school property. Any violation of school policies may result in permanent dismissal from school. Students are expected to dress appropriately in clean workout attire.

Previous Credits/Bridge Program

Credits from another institution will be evaluated on a case by case basis, Program Director makes the final decision. Core Strength Wichita does not guarantee transferability to another institution unless there is a written agreement with another institution.